Tuesday, December 19, 2006


while talking with the superstar, i realized that i am a complete and total attention whore...mostly the compliment type of attention. i dont mean i want to tell a funny story and be the center of the room, i like to hear when guys are attracted to me...ISNT THAT DISGUSTING?!?! i am NOT the most attractive or thin or physically in shape girl, but fuck if i dont like to hear the good things about me! like when i get compliments on my smile...WEAK IN THE KNEES or when someone tells me my eyes are beautiful, HELLO it could make even my heart of ice melt. its so ridiculous that i thrive on things like this! it makes it seem like i'm vein, but i dont think i am, i think that my self esteem is just soooo low that when someone compliments me i grasp it for dear life...HA-RUMPH

POBS (peace out bean sprouts)


courtney said...

ok first of all, i just watched santa claus is coming to town tonight and i don't know if you've ever seen that but the winter warlock has a heart of ice and it melts when kris kringle gives him a toy choo choo, and that's exactly what i thought about when you said it could melt your heart of ice!

second of all, you are beautiful! and everyone likes hearing they're fantastic, even if they already know they are! don't get too down on yourself, doll.


courtney said...

know what i just realized? you should get one of those flashing lightbulb signs with an arrow that points at your head at all times, and when you're feeling attention-y, just flip the switch and off you go.


Glamorous Redneck said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I'm here from BSG's blog. :)

courtney said...

oh. ps. glam didn't tell you this. but she rocks. just sayin'.