Sunday, December 17, 2006

the intoxication could prove a problem

I. AM. DRUNK. i will probably be rvising this shit befor i post it...cuz i am druk as all goodness, my roomates boufriend decidedlets get tarashed bitches and i was alrigth with it. and no after a frw cups of rum and cok, i am feeling really effing good...did you know the huma brain weighs eight pounds? ya know, if we were just headless it would be a lot easier ad i will tell yoi why..
#1 we woould al weigh 8 lbs less...and hey who doesnt want that
#2 we wouldnt have to worry about wht we lok like..which would meake life a lot frigen easier...and i am pretty much a troll so maybe it wold be for my own benefit ad i'm okay with that
#3 okay i dont have a number 3 btu give me a break...i. am. SCHWASTED.

********HOLY M-FER..i was pretty drunk, sorry guys, i was thinking about revising this, but i think its funny as is********

1 comment:

courtney said...

hey, DK (drunk keek),

if the human brain weighs 8 lbs and we all cut off our whole heads, don't you think we'd lose a little more than 8 lbs?

but you're right. who doesn't want it? :)