Saturday, December 16, 2006

no i'm not *famous* i'm *BLOGSPOT FAMOUS*

dude, someone blogged about ME...she commented on one of my posts and told me i'm FABULOUS....ME! it made my day, and then she also blogged about me which makes it soooo much better, i have linked her, and you should all read her! ("you all", i think her and courtney are the only two people who read my stuff haha) thanks big sky girl! you made my saturday more then just a wonderous day of sleep!

peace out bean sprouts!


courtney said...


You are SO hooked!

Big Sky Girl AKA raeleighjo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Sky Girl AKA raeleighjo said...

that last comment was me. i forgot to say something else. :)

anyway, you're totally welcome, i'm glad you had a good day! :) and I *do* think you're totally fab.

you should come see us for like 4th of july or something! :)

courtney said...



You have inspired me.

I'm starting a new experiment. And to finish the experiment, I need you to keep WRITING WRITING WRITING!

Of course, I'm not going to tell you what it is... but it's something you actually asked me to do once. That's all I'm gonna say.


*heart* you!