Friday, December 22, 2006

I can do all things thru he who cracks my back

PFFF! my back has been bugging me lately, so i decided to go to a chiropractor to get aligned. just a quick in and out fix and VOILA!...except it didnt happen like that. this guy does scans, x-rays, and THEN has a consultation with you all before you lays ya face down on his contraption and puts ya in place. tomorrow will be my 6th time going in two weeks. HES ONLY OPEN 4 DAYS A WEEK, so that means ihave been there damn near every day hes been open. some may wonder why this glorious doctor has offered so generously to un-dis-com-bob-you-late me. well it seems i have a deteriorating disk in my L5 vertebrae(i know what the hell right?) anyways apparently only old people usually develop this kinda crap. so it "must" have happened when i was a little kid. so in order for this to "not get worse" i have to go in there and have him manipulate my back into its right place. i would just like to clarify that i think this guy is full of C-R-A-P. yeah my back might be fucked up, but i would like at least 2 other people to tell me that before i continue these appointments that seem to run my life. and if this disk IS really deteriorating, is chiropractic care the best treatment for it? I DONT KNOW, all i know is that a chiropractor should be able to tell whats wrong with someones back by poking and prodding, THATS WHY THEY DO WHAT THEY DO! they shouldnt have to use scans and x-rays to figure it out.
so how smart is this guy really?



Big Sky Girl AKA raeleighjo said...

keek i'm a firm believer in chiropractors being quacks. I would check a little more into that before you're lettin the dude run your schedule. :D

courtney said...


Can I call you tomorrow? For your birthday? Is that kosher? Even though, you know, it's Christmas too? Hmm. I might anyway:D

oh. except you still don't have your cell.
