Friday, December 15, 2006

Hatred of Christina Aguilera...Sorry Courtey

well first of all, courtney i am so sorry cuz i realize you are the superstar, not me and you have way better judgement about singers than i; however, I. CAN'T. STAND. Christina Aguilera. maybe she can sing, but to me it sounds like yelling, and a lot of unnecessary vocal gymnastics, yes the gymnastics can be good, *IN THE RIGHT AMOUNT*, i think thats all she does though. and when she is saying words, i cant understand a damn thing. have you ever LISTENED to a Christmas album by her? why does jingle bells, or maybe even frosty the snowman (i dont know what song it was because i couldnt tell) need to last for 10 minutes of up and down a scale. not to mention the damn hand motion, does that help her reach new and exciting octaves? i have yet to see evidence of her being an amazing singer because of the annoying seizure like gestures. if you are really that into what you're singing why don't you just do a little jig, like ashlee simpson when she had "acid reflux"...but thats another blog...
Peace out, Bean Sprouts.

1 comment:

courtney said...


she's *really really extremely enormously* good.

but hey. i've never heard the christmas stuff.

and opinionize as you will! (i don't always like the style either. but she's still *really really...* well you get the point)